Frequently Asked Questions
How much does mediation cost?
Mediation is highly cost-effective compared with other methods of dealing with conflict - in many cases it can even be completed in a day. Initial, informal discussion about the suitability of a case
is free of charge. Once a case is accepted a full breakdown of costs will be provided, calculated on a daily basis.
Can mediation be carried out in-house?
It is crucial to the mediation process that participants see the mediator as independent and impartial and feel able to express themselves freely, assured that their confidentiality will be
maintained. This independence ensures that mediators have no vested interest in the terms of the mediation agreement.
If I agree to mediation does it weaken my case?
No. Willingness to mediate can only promote the idea that you are actively seeking to resolve the difficulties. Should mediation prove unsuccessful it does not jeopardise your right to legal
recourse. However, it does show that you have taken responsible steps to prevent the problem from escalating.
What if the other party refuses to participate in mediation?
Mediation is voluntary. However, most people involved in a dispute have a vested interest in trying to resolve it - given enough information on mediation and the alternatives, they are usually
willing to consider it.
What am I committing to by agreeing to consider mediation?
You will have an initial, confidential meeting with the mediators to discuss the dispute and the options available. If you decide to proceed, a day will be scheduled for the mediation to take
Where will the mediation take place?
At a neutral venue acceptable to all parties where privacy is assured
Will I receive a written report of any agreement reached?
Yes. The main points of the agreement will be summarised, documented and sent to all participants, and the agreement can be reviewed after an agreed length of time if required.
Does my manager get to see the agreement?
Not unless both parties agree to this. Normally feedback to anyone senior in the company or organisation would be discussed and agreed within the mediation meeting. Confidentiality is extremely important for the parties and the mediators.
Does mediation work?
It is well established that if people involved in a dispute are willing to engage directly in mediation, it has a success rate of over 90%.